Gabriel Meffre Laurus Cotes du Rhone Blanc 加布里 - 月桂花羅納谷白酒 2021

Gabriel Meffre Laurus Cotes du Rhone Blanc 加布里 - 月桂花羅納谷白酒 2021

  • Product Code: Product RH003.1.20b
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$210.00

Region : Rhone Cotes du Roussillon

 Description/Tasting Notes :

In 2021, God favors white wines from the south, and of course this one is no exception. Beautiful bright pale yellow colour with aromas of white pulp (pear, peach) with pleasant and delicate lime notes. The aroma has a silky texture in the mouth, with nourishing and luminous character, especially in the finish with excellent finesse and length. excellence.

 2021 上天對南方的白葡萄酒特別寵幸,當然這一款也不例外。 美麗明亮的淡黃色,帶有白色果肉(梨、桃)的香氣,並帶有令人愉悅和細膩的酸橙味。 香氣在口中具有柔滑的質地,帶有滋補性和明亮性,尤其是在餘味中具有出色的細膩度和長度。 卓越。

 2021 上天对南方的白葡萄酒特别宠幸,当然这一款也不例外。美丽明亮的淡黄色,带有白色果肉(梨、桃)的香气,并带有令人愉悦和细腻的酸橙味。香气在口中具有柔滑的质地,带有滋补性和明亮性,尤其是在余味中具有出色的细腻度和长度。卓越


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