Markus Molitor Erdener Treppchen Riesling Auslese*** Sweet 馬庫斯梅麗特 - 雷司令艾登納天階精選甜白*** 2018

Markus Molitor Erdener Treppchen Riesling Auslese*** Sweet 馬庫斯梅麗特 - 雷司令艾登納天階精選甜白*** 2018

  • Product Code: Product GER01.03.18sET
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$800.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 98points

 Region : Germany Mosel

 Description/Tasting Notes :

The 2018 Riesling Erdener Treppchen Auslese*** is intense, complex and delicately elegant, with mineral, flint and a lot of tropical fruit on the nose. On the palate, balanced and juicy, it is pleasant and the more you drink it the more you want to drink it. With a clear and persistent mineral character, the finish is very intense and elegant, showing a very complex body, with plenty of tannins, powerful and yet very fine. This wine has great ripening potential but still needs some time to be more impressive.


2018 年的 Riesling Erdener Treppchen Auslese***,香氣濃郁,複雜而細膩優雅,香氣帶有礦物、打火石、和大量的熱帶水果風味。 口感上、平衡且多汁,令人愉悅、愈喝愈想喝。帶有清亮持久的礦物質特性, 餘韻非常強烈和優雅,展現出非常複雜的酒體,單寧充足,強勁有力,但非常細膩。 這酒具有巨大的成熟潛力,但仍需要一些時間,可令人印象更深刻。


2018 年的 Riesling Erdener Treppchen Auslese***,香气浓郁,复杂而细腻优雅,香气带有矿物、打火石、和大量的热带水果风味。口感上、平衡且多汁,令人愉悦、愈喝愈想喝。带有清亮持久的矿物质特性, 余韵非常强烈和优雅,展现出非常复杂的酒体,单宁充足,强劲有力,但非常细腻。这酒具有巨大的成熟潜力,但仍需要一些时间,可令人印象更深刻

Nest Wine