Markus Molitor Haus Klosterberg Riesling Sweet馬庫斯梅麗特 - 寺院山雷司令甜白 2019
- Product Code: Product GER01.04.19sHK
- Availability: In Stock
Region : Germany Mosel
Description/Tasting Notes :
The light Haus Klosterberg Riesling from the Markus Molitor winery flows into the glass in a bright pale yellow. Markus Molitor Haus Klosterberg Riesling inspires with its elegant and dry taste. It was bottled with only 7.3 grams of residual sugar. As you'd expect from a wine in the fine wine range, this German wine, despite being drier, focuses on the best balance. Haus Klosterberg Riesling presents a wonderful freshness and liveliness.
來自 Markus
Molitor 酒莊的輕盈的 Haus Klosterberg 雷司令以明亮的淡黃色流入玻璃杯中。 Markus Molitor Haus Klosterberg Riesling 以其優雅乾爽的口感激發靈感。 它裝瓶時僅含 7.3 克殘糖。 正如您對優質葡萄酒系列中的葡萄酒所期望的那樣,這款德國葡萄酒儘管比較乾,但仍以最佳平衡為重點。Haus Klosterberg Riesling 呈現出美妙的清新和活潑的口感。
来自 Markus
Molitor 酒庄的轻盈的 Haus Klosterberg 雷司令以明亮的淡黄色流入玻璃杯中。 Markus Molitor Haus Klosterberg Riesling 以其优雅干爽的口感激发灵感。它装瓶时仅含 7.3 克残糖。正如您对优质葡萄酒系列中的葡萄酒所期望的那样,这款德国葡萄酒尽管比较干,但仍以最佳平衡为重点。 Haus Klosterberg Riesling 呈现出美妙的清新和活泼的口感。