Costanti Brunello Montalcino 卡詩坦帝布 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

Costanti Brunello Montalcino 卡詩坦帝布 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

  • Product Code: Product ITA001.1.16
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$590.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 94 points

WS (Wine Spectator) : 97 points

 Region : Italy Montalcino

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Costanti Brunello Montalcino 2016 presents warm, fruity layers with cherries, wild raspberries and plums. Maybe some hints of candied orange peel, sweetness of lavender honey, and black olives with a hint of terroir. The nose of this wine shows good complexity, with a streamlined, medium-weight palate. Compared to the 2015 I tasted earlier this year, I found this vintage to be tasted earlier. Production is 35,000 bottles.

 Costanti Brunello Montalcino 2016  呈現出溫暖的水果層次感,帶有櫻桃、野生覆盆子和李子。 可能還有些淡淡的蜜餞橙皮,薰衣草蜂蜜的甜味,和帶有風土氣息的黑橄欖。 這款酒的酒香展現出良好的複雜性,並帶有流線型、中等重量的口感。 與今年早些時候品嚐的 2015 年相比,我發現這個年份可以更早品嚐。 產量為 35,000 瓶。

 Costanti Brunello Montalcino 2016 呈现出温暖的水果层次感,带有樱桃、野生覆盆子和李子。可能还有些淡淡的蜜饯橙皮,薰衣草蜂蜜的甜味,和带有风土气息的黑橄榄。这款酒的酒香展现出良好的复杂性,并带有流线型、中等重量的口感。与今年早些时候品尝的 2015 年相比,我发现这个年份可以更早品尝。产量为 35,000

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