Costanti Rosso di Montalcino DOC 卡詩坦帝布 - 蒙塔奇諾干紅 2018

Costanti Rosso di Montalcino DOC 卡詩坦帝布 - 蒙塔奇諾干紅 2018

  • Product Code: Product ITA001.2.18
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$300.00

Region : Italy Montalcino

 Description/Tasting Notes :

It is one of the most prestigious estates in Montalcino, and their wine styles are characterized by remarkable elegance and intensity. Grapes grown at high altitudes are elegantly combined with the winemaking techniques of Montalcino. A ruby red wine with fruity aromas of cherries and plums, followed by floral aromas of lavender and violets, with a touch of pungency. On the palate it is strong and powerful with a long aftertaste.

 它是蒙塔奇諾(Montalcino)最尊貴的莊園之一,他們的葡萄酒風格以顯著優雅和濃郁為特徵。高海拔種植的葡萄跟蒙塔奇諾(Montalcino)的釀酒技術優雅地相互結合。 寶石紅的酒色,香氣帶有櫻桃和李子的果香,跟隨是薰衣草和紫羅蘭的花香,並帶有點點刺激的辛辣味。 口感強勁有力,回味悠長。


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