Giodo - Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 吉奧多-魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

Giodo - Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 吉奧多-魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

  • Product Code: Product ITA002.1.16
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,180.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 98 points

JS (James Suckling) : 100 points

 Region : Italy Montalcino

 Description/Tasting Notes :

In 2016, it was a year of great harvest for the Montalcino region, and the famous wine critic James Suckling gave the wine 100 points again!  A complex, captivating aroma that leads us through our nose into a vortex of fruity, spicy, and finely balsamic aromas. In the mouth, balance and harmony, soft and persistent: this Brunello has all the characteristics of a fine wine to accompany rich dishes from the earth and the mountains. Excellent ready-to-drink, like a good wish for the future!

 2016年,是蒙塔爾奇諾(Montalcino)產區的豐厚收穫的一年,知名酒評家詹姆斯薩克林(James Suckling)再次給予該佳釀100分分數!復雜,迷人的香氣,經由我們的鼻子,引領我們進入果香,辛辣,和帶有微細香脂香氣的旋渦中。 在口中,平衡與和諧,柔和而持久:這款布魯內羅(Brunello)酒具有優質葡萄酒的所有特徵,可搭配來自大地和山區的豐富菜餚。 極佳的即飲性,像對未來表達的美好祝願!

 2016年,是蒙塔尔奇诺(Montalcino)产区的丰厚收获的一年,知名酒评家詹姆斯萨克林(James Suckling)再次给予该佳酿100分分数! 复杂,迷人的香气,经由我们的鼻子,引领我们进入果香,辛辣,和带有微细香脂香气的旋涡中。在口中,平衡与和谐,柔和而持久:这款布鲁内罗(Brunello)酒具有优质葡萄酒的所有特征,可搭配来自大地和山区的丰富菜肴。极佳的即饮性,像对未来表达的美好祝愿

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