Luce Brunello di Montalcino 露鵲酒莊 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

Luce Brunello di Montalcino 露鵲酒莊 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2016

  • Product Code: Product ITA003.1.16
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$880.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 94 points

WS (Wine Spectator) : 96 points

JS (James Suckling) : 98 points

 Region : Italy Montalcino

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Luce della Vite (or Tenuta Luce) from the Frescobaldi family in Florence. The 2016 Brunello di Montalcino Luce is a wine of depth and intensity.   This vintage goes further and offers more substance than any recent vintage we've seen before. It takes on a dark color and appearance with cocktail cherries, balsamic spice and a hint of white chocolate. Even though the tannins are dry, this wine is full of concentrated and rich fruit making it a classic vintage.

 來自佛羅倫斯 Frescobaldi 家族的 Luce della Vite(或 Tenuta Luce)。2016 Brunello di Montalcino Luce 是一款深度和強度的葡萄酒。 這個年份比我們之前見過的近期年份更進一步,提供了更多的物質。 它呈現出深色和外觀,帶有雞尾酒的櫻桃、香脂香料和淡淡的白巧克力味。 即使單寧很乾,但這酒充滿着集中濃郁豐富的水果度令它成為一個經典年份。

 来自佛罗伦斯 Frescobaldi 家族的 Luce della Vite(或 Tenuta Luce)。 2016 Brunello di Montalcino Luce 是一款深度和强度的葡萄酒。这个年份比我们之前见过的近期年份更进一步,提供了更多的物质。它呈现出深色和外观,带有鸡尾酒的樱桃、香脂香料和淡淡的白巧克力味。即使单宁很干,但这酒充满着集中浓郁丰富的水果度令它成为一个经典年份

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