Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 瓦迪卡瓦 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2015

Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 瓦迪卡瓦 - 魯奈羅蒙塔奇諾 2015

  • Product Code: Product ITA004.1.15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$880.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 96 points

WS (Wine Spectator) : 95 points

JS (James Suckling) : 99 points

 Region : Italy Montalcino

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Wonderful aromas of roses, plums, wet earth and truffles. Following are raspberries and blackberries...cherries too. Full-bodied and firm tannins, it seems to flow from the center palate, revealing beautiful fruit and tannins. Very long lasting aftertaste.

 玫瑰、一片片李子、濕土和松露的美妙香氣。 跟隨是覆盆子和黑莓... 櫻桃也是。飽滿而堅實的單寧,它像從中心味覺中流出,散發出美麗的水果味和單寧味。 極長持久的餘韻。

 玫瑰、一片片李子、湿土和松露的美妙香气。跟随是覆盆子和黑莓... 樱桃也是。饱满而坚实的单宁,它像从中心味觉中流出,散发出美丽的水果味和单宁味。极长持久的余韵

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