Opus One Overture 作品前奏 N.V

Opus One Overture 作品前奏 N.V

  • Product Code: USA01.2.NV
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,080.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 95+ points

Decanter : 91 points

 Region : U.S Napa Valley

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Opus One has created a premium second wine called Overture. Overture has a vibrant garnet red colour, showing aromas of bright red fruit, bright cherries and red currants, with hints of cocoa, cedar and vanilla. Prolonged aging in oak barrels gives this wine an elegant texture, round tannins and soft mouthfeel, and a mouth-watering finish. Perfect for the current enjoyment. Try it with mildly spicy grilled chicken.

 Opus One 創造了一款名為 Overture 的優質副牌酒。 Overture 呈現出充滿活力的石榴紅色酒色,表現出鮮紅色水果、明亮的櫻桃和紅醋栗的香氣、帶有一點點可可粉、雪松和香草味。長時間的橡木桶陳釀賦予這款酒優雅的質感,圓潤的單寧和柔和的口感,還有令人垂涎的餘味。非常適合當前的享受。可試試搭配微辣的烤雞。

 Opus One 创造了一款名为 Overture 的优质副牌酒。 Overture 呈现出充满活力的石榴红色酒色,表现出鲜红色水果、明亮的樱桃和红醋栗的香气、带有一点点可可粉、雪松和香草味。长时间的橡木桶陈酿赋予这款酒优雅的质感,圆润的单宁和柔和的口感,还有令人垂涎的余味。非常适合当前的享受。 可试试搭配微辣的烤鸡


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