Dominus Estate 多明納斯 2013

Dominus Estate 多明納斯 2013

  • Product Code: USA04.1.13
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$4,580.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 100 points

JS (James Suckling) : 100 points

 Region : U.S Napa Valley

 Description/Tasting Notes :

The aroma of black truffle, bark, cloves, currants and citrus - even ginseng is like falling into a captivating fantasy. Full-bodied, yet reserved, even understated, with persistent and powerful tannins that feel smooth and refined. The taste is umami and salty. Then there are forest fruits and reddish-orange undertones. It is a wine that can be aged for a lifetime. A new classic, as long as you taste it, it is an experience. The source of some of Napa's greatest wines ever, showcasing its history and traditions, it's always the most wanted wine.

 黑松露、樹皮、丁香、黑醋栗和柑橘——甚至是人參的香氣,像墮入迷人的幻境。 酒體飽滿,但保留,甚至樸素,單寧持久而有力,感受光滑和精緻。 味道有鮮味和鹹味。 然後是森林水果和紅橙色底色。是 一款可以陳釀一輩子的酒。 新的經典,只要嚐過,就是體驗。是納帕有史以來最偉大的葡萄酒的來源 ,展示了它的歷史和傳統,是永遠最想享受的酒。

 黑松露、树皮、丁香、黑醋栗和柑橘——甚至是人参的香气,像堕入迷人的幻境。酒体饱满,但保留,甚至朴素,单宁持久而有力,感受光滑和精致。味道有鲜味和咸味。然后是森林水果和红橙色底色。是 一款可以陈酿一辈子的酒。新的经典,只要尝过,就是体验。是纳帕有史以来最伟大的葡萄酒的来源 ,展示了它的历史和传统,是永远最想享受的酒

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