Almaviva EPU 智利王副牌 2019

Almaviva EPU 智利王副牌 2019

  • Product Code: Product CHI01.2.19
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$450.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 93 points

 Region : Chile Central Valley

 Description/Tasting Notes :

2019 Epu is Almaviva's first truly international second wine and will be sold through Bordeaux négoce. On the whole it is quite intense and fruity, with spicy any grassy aromas, smooth on the palate and fine tannins. Even the second wine, but they wanted to do something different, Epu maybe a little more classic, maybe this is more Bordeaux, Almaviva is more Chilean. 70,000 bottles were produced. It is bottled in December 2020 and January 2021.


2019 Epu Almaviva第一款真正國際化的副牌酒,並將通過 Bordeaux négoce 出售。 整體比較濃郁,果味濃厚,帶有辛辣和草香香氣,口感柔滑,單寧細膩。 即使是副牌酒,但他們也想做一些不同的事情,Epu 可能更經典一點,也許這更波爾多,Almaviva 更智利。 生產了 70,000 瓶。 它於 2020 12 月和 2021 1 月裝瓶。


2019 Epu Almaviva第一款真正国际化的副牌酒,并将通过 Bordeaux négoce 出售。 整体比较浓郁,果味浓厚,带有辛辣和草香香气,口感柔滑,单宁细腻。即使是副牌酒,但他们也想做一些不同的事情,Epu 可能更经典一点,也许这更波尔多,Almaviva 更智利。生产了 70,000 瓶。它于 2020 12 月和 2021 1 月装瓶

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