Chateau Latour 拉圖 2013

Chateau Latour 拉圖 2013

  • Product Code: Product PC03.1.13
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$4,500.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 88~90 points

 Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Latour 2013 exudes black forest cake, stewed plum, mulberry and red currant jelly, elegant and full-bodied, with layers of fresh red and black berry preserves carefully woven through soft tannins. Full in the mouth, the aftertaste is long and slightly spicy.

 Latour 2013 年的拉圖散發出黑森林蛋糕、燉李子、桑葚和 紅醋栗果凍, 風格優雅,酒體濃郁,藉着質地柔軟的單寧,精心編織充滿新鮮感的紅色和黑色漿果蜜餞層,充滿在口中,餘味悠長帶微微辛辣。

 Latour 2013 年的拉图散发出黑森林蛋糕、炖李子、桑葚和 红醋栗果冻, 风格优雅,酒体浓郁,借着质地柔软的单宁,精心编织充满新鲜感的红色和黑色浆果蜜饯层,充满在口中,余味悠长带微微辛辣

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