Chateau Mouton Rothschild 武當 2018

Chateau Mouton Rothschild 武當 2018

  • Product Code: Product PC05.1.18
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$6,080.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 97~99 points

 Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

 Mouton 2018, a mesmerizing deep garnet red with jaw-dropping aromas of cassis, mocha, candied plum, licorice and black forest cake, with hints of iron ore, Sichuan peppercorns, allspice and tilled soil. Full-bodied, concentrated, with layers upon layers of dark fruit, exotic spices and aromas, the wine is rock-solid, firm and grainy in nature, with incredible freshness and finish.

 Mouton 2018,令人著迷的深石榴紅色,散發著令人瞠目結舌的黑醋栗、摩卡、李子蜜餞、甘草和黑森林蛋糕的香氣,並帶有一絲鐵礦石、四川胡椒、五香粉和耕作的土壤。 酒體飽滿,濃縮,並擁有一層又一層的黑色水果、異國情調的香料和芬芳,本質如磐石、緊實、顆粒狀,令人享有難以置信的新鮮度和回味。

 Mouton 2018,令人着迷的深石榴红色,散发着令人瞠目结舌的黑醋栗、摩卡、李子蜜饯、甘草和黑森林蛋糕的香气,并带有一丝铁矿石、四川胡椒、五香粉和耕作的土壤。酒体饱满,浓缩,并拥有一层又一层的黑色水果、异国情调的香料和芬芳,本质如磐石、紧实、颗粒状,令人享有难以置信的新鲜度和回味


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