Chateau Pichon Lalande 碧尚拉龍-女爵 2012

Chateau Pichon Lalande 碧尚拉龍-女爵 2012

  • Product Code: Product DC12.1.12
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,120.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 90 points

Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

 Pichon Lalande 2012 has soft, rounded tannins, lovely elegance and edgy fruitiness. The fruity style is captivating and attractive. Fruity notes of raspberry, blueberry, mocha and black currant, deep ruby/purple. Surprisingly early and edgy, this medium-bodied, soft-textured wine is best enjoyed within the next 15 years.

 Pichon Lalande 2012 具有柔和圓潤的單寧、可愛的優雅和前衛的果味。果香濃郁的風格令人著迷, 具吸引力。帶有覆盆子、藍莓、摩卡和黑醋栗的果味,呈深紅寶石色/紫色。這款酒體適中、質地柔軟的葡萄酒出人意料地早熟且前衛,最好可以在接下來的 15 年內飲用。

 Pichon Lalande 2012 具有柔和圆润的单宁、可爱的优雅和前卫的果味。果香浓郁的风格令人着迷, 具吸引力。带有覆盆子、蓝莓、摩卡和黑醋栗的果味,呈深红宝石色/紫色。这款酒体适中、质地柔软的葡萄酒出人意料地早熟且前卫,最好可以在接下来的 15 年内饮用


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