Saint Estephe de Montrose 玫瑰三牌 2015

Saint Estephe de Montrose 玫瑰三牌 2015

  • Product Code: Product DC10.3.15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$230.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 89 points

 Region : Saint Estephe

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Saint Estephe de Montrose 2015 A deep garnet red wine color. Rigorous floral, fresh and delicate violets and raspberries, accompanied by toasty and spicy aromas. The palate is round and full, reflecting the character of its region. Very good balance with powerful tannins. A wine to drink from a young age, or 3 to 5 years later.

 Saint Estephe de Montrose 2015 深石榴紅色的酒色。散發出嚴謹的花香、清新細膩的紫羅蘭和覆盆子、伴隨也帶有烤麵包和辛辣的香氣,。口感圓潤、飽滿、反映了它的產區特色。非常好的平衡加上強大的單寧。是一款可從年輕時飲用的葡萄酒,或 3 5 年後再享用。

 Saint Estephe de Montrose 2015 深石榴红色的酒色。散发出严谨的花香、清新细腻的紫罗兰和覆盆子、伴随也带有烤面包和辛辣的香气,。口感圆润、饱满、反映了它的产区特色。非常好的平衡加上强大的单宁。是一款可从年轻时饮用的葡萄酒,或 3 5 年后再享用

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