Chateau Ferriere 費里埃 2014

Chateau Ferriere 費里埃 2014

  • Product Code: Product TC06.1.14
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$340.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 89 points

 Region : Margaux

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chateau Ferriere 2014 is a deep bluish-purple with floral aromas like withered rose petals and red berries. Smooth entry with moderate acidity. Full-bodied, rigorous in style, with a wonderfully long finish and excellent ageing potential. It reaches the drinking period after 2018 and can be aged for nearly 20 years.

 Chateau Ferriere 2014 呈深沉的藍紫色,帶有花香、像枯萎的玫瑰花瓣和散發著紅色漿果的香氣。入口順滑、酸度適中。酒體飽滿,風格嚴謹,餘味十分美妙悠長,陳年潛力優秀。在2018年之後達到適飲期,並能陳放近20年的時間。

 Chateau Ferriere 2014 呈深沉的蓝紫色,带有花香、像枯萎的玫瑰花瓣和散发着红色浆果的香气。入口顺滑、酸度适中。酒体饱满,风格严谨,余味十分美妙悠长,陈年潜力优秀。在2018年之后达到适饮期,并能陈放近20年的时间


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