Chateau La Lagune 拉拉貢 2000

Chateau La Lagune 拉拉貢 2000

  • Product Code: Product TC09.1.00
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$730.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 86 points

 Region : Haut Medoc

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chateau La Lagune 2000 is deep ruby red with a slight garnet edge. Complex, layered and ripe nose of ripe black cherry, black currant, cedar and forest with a hint of sweetness. On the palate, the tannins have been softened into the wine, and the heart of the wine is pure black currant, black cherries and bramble fruit. Excellent balance makes this a classic, full-bodied red wine with a long and clean finish.

 Chateau La Lagune 2000呈深紅寶石色,邊緣略帶石榴色。有成熟的黑櫻桃、黑醋栗、雪松和森林氣息的複雜、層次和成熟的香氣,帶一絲絲甜味。口感細膩細緻、已軟化到葡萄酒中的單寧,更令人感受到葡萄酒的核心是純黑醋栗、黑櫻桃和荊棘果。優秀的平衡使這款酒成為一款經典、是濃郁的紅葡萄酒,回味悠長而純淨。

 Chateau La Lagune 2000呈深红宝石色,边缘略带石榴色。有成熟的黑樱桃、黑醋栗、雪松和森林气息的复杂、层次和成熟的香气,带一丝丝甜味。口感细腻细致、已软化到葡萄酒中的单宁,更令人感受到葡萄酒的核心是纯黑醋栗、黑樱桃和荆棘果。优秀的平衡使这款酒成为一款经典、是浓郁的红葡萄酒,回味悠长而纯净

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