Chateau Talbot 大寶 2015

Chateau Talbot 大寶 2015

  • Product Code: Product QC10.1.15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$550.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 88 points

 Region : Saint Julien

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chateau Talbot 2015, a deep red wine with a tinge of purple. Combining aromas of floral, red fruit, woody, crushed black raspberries, black cherries and black currant. On the palate it is silky and finely tannin, with a long aftertaste of herbs, a slight garlic spice and anise. The finish is persistent and fruity.

 Chateau Talbot 2015,酒色呈深紅、帶有微微的紫色色調。結合了花香、紅色水果、木材質、壓碎的黑覆盆子、黑櫻桃和黑醋栗的香氣。口感柔滑、單寧細膩,回味悠長、 並帶有香草、輕微的大蒜辛辣和大茴香的味道。餘味持久,果味濃郁。

 Chateau Talbot 2015,酒色呈深红、带有微微的紫色色调。结合了花香、红色水果、木材质、压碎的黑覆盆子、黑樱桃和黑醋栗的香气。口感柔滑、单宁细腻,回味悠长、 并带有香草、轻微的大蒜辛辣和大茴香的味道。余味持久,果味浓郁

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