Reserve de la comtesse 碧尚拉 龍-女爵二牌 2016

Reserve de la comtesse 碧尚拉 龍-女爵二牌 2016

  • Product Code: Product DC12.2.16
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$420.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 90 points

 Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Reserve de la Comtesse 2016 is a deep garnet red wine that unfolds from the glass with beautiful aromas of cherries, blackcurrants and red currants, light red roses, black tea, black pepper, chocolate box and cloves. The palate is medium-bodied, elegant and fresh, with silky and gorgeous tannins, intense fruit aromas, and a spicy finish.

 Reserve de la Comtesse 2016 深石榴紅酒色,從玻璃杯中展現出來,香氣帶有美麗的櫻桃、黑醋栗和紅醋栗,輕輕的紅玫瑰、紅茶、黑胡椒、巧克力盒和丁香。 口感中等酒體,優雅清新,單寧絲滑華麗,果香濃郁,餘味帶一㸃㸃辛辣。

 Reserve de la Comtesse 2016 深石榴红酒色,从玻璃杯中展现出来,香气带有美丽的樱桃、黑醋栗和红醋栗,轻轻的红玫瑰、红茶、黑胡椒、巧克力盒和丁香。口感中等酒体,优雅清新,单宁丝滑华丽,果香浓郁,余味带一㸃㸃辛辣

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