Reserve de la comtesse 碧尚拉 龍-女爵二牌 2018

Reserve de la comtesse 碧尚拉 龍-女爵二牌 2018

  • Product Code: Product DC12.2.18
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$400.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 92~94+ points

 Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

A very deep purple-black colour Reserve de la Comtesses 2018, the terroir is immediately felt upon opening the bottle, with Szechuan pepper, herbs and tobacco, warm aromas of black cherry, black currant and blackberry pie. Medium to full bodied, the palate is full of juicy black fruit and minerality with a fresh, powerful finish; an impressive wine.

 非常深的紫黑色酒色 Reserve de la Comtesses 2018,開瓶一刻馬上感受到風土氣息,四川胡椒、花草和煙草,溫暖的黑櫻桃、黑醋栗和黑莓派的香氣。 酒體中等至濃郁,口感是充滿多汁的黑色水果和礦物,感受帶新鮮,強而有力的餘韻; 令人印象深刻的葡萄酒。

 非常深的紫黑色酒色 Reserve de la Comtesses 2018,开瓶一刻马上感受到风土气息,四川胡椒、花草和烟草,温暖的黑樱桃、黑醋栗和黑莓派的香气。酒体中等至浓郁,口感是充满多汁的黑色水果和矿物,感受带新鲜,强而有力的余韵; 令人印象深刻的葡萄酒


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