Chateau Calon Segur 卡龍世家 2019

Chateau Calon Segur 卡龍世家 2019

  • Product Code: Product TC002.1.19
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,120.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 95~97 points

 Region : Saint Estephe

 Description/Tasting Notes :

The heart has been the symbol of the estate since the 18th century, paying homage to Marquis de Ségur's famous quote: "I make wine in Lafite and Latour, but my heart is in Calon". Chateau Calon Segur 2019 is a very deep purplish black with classic aromas of warm black currant, blackberry preserves, pencil shavings and clove oil, with hints of cloves, cinnamon sticks, chocolate and menthol. Medium to full-bodied palate, rich black fruit and bright floral aromas, built from firm, fine tannins and bold freshness, with a long and elegant finish.

18 世紀以來,心臟一直是莊園的象徵,向 Marquis de Ségur 的以下名言致敬:“我在拉菲(Lafite)和拉圖(Latour)釀造葡萄酒,但我的心在卡隆(Calon)”。Chateau Calon Segur 2019 呈現出非常深的紫黑色,散發出溫暖的黑醋栗、黑莓蜜餞、鉛筆屑和丁香油的經典香氣,及帶點丁香、肉桂棒、巧克力和薄荷醇。 中等到濃郁的口感、豐富的黑色水果和明亮的花香,從堅實、細膩的單寧和大膽的新鮮感構成,餘味悠長而優雅。

  18 世纪以来,心脏一直是庄园的象征,向 Marquis de Ségur 的以下名言致敬:我在拉菲(Lafite)和拉图(Latour)酿造葡萄酒,但我的心在卡隆(Calon)” Chateau Calon Segur 2019 呈现出非常深的紫黑色,散发出温暖的黑醋栗、黑莓蜜饯、铅笔屑和丁香油的经典香气,及带点丁香、肉桂棒、巧克力和薄荷醇。中等到浓郁的口感、丰富的黑色水果和明亮的花香,从坚实、细腻的单宁和大胆的新鲜感构成,余味悠长而优雅

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