Chevalier de Lascombes 利是金二牌 2013

Chevalier de Lascombes 利是金二牌 2013

  • Product Code: Product DC06.2.13
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$280.00

Region : Margaux

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chevalier de Lascombes 2013 is a classic Margaux wine with intense oak flavours. Moderate tannins and black raspberry fruit, can be enjoyed younger than the real wine. On the palate it is direct, elegant and balanced. Best enjoyed 4-10 years after bottling.

Chevalier de Lascombes 2013 是一款經典的瑪歌葡萄酒,富有濃郁的橡木風味。適度的單寧和黑樹莓果味,可以比正牌酒更年輕的時候享用。口感直接、優雅且平衡。裝瓶後4-10年後享用更好。

Chevalier de Lascombes 2013 是一款经典的玛歌葡萄酒,富有浓郁的橡木风味。适度的单宁和黑树莓果味,可以比正牌酒更年轻的时候享用。口感直接、优雅且平衡。装瓶后4-10年后享用更好

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