Chateau Lynch Bages 靚次伯 2019

Chateau Lynch Bages 靚次伯 2019

  • Product Code: Product CC15.1.19
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$1,100.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 95~97 points

 Region : Pauillac

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chateau Lynch Bages 2019 comes in a very deep, saturated purple. The nose is intense and deep, with aromas of blackcurrant and sweet blackberry fruit mixed with liquorice, mint, cigar wrapper and rich soil. Full-bodied, rich and concentrated, the palate is full-bodied and well-structured, while the tannins are firm and supple, giving the wine layering and gravitas. Matches the high density of the fruit, adding depth. Layer upon layer of fruit and spice creates a spectacular, majestic finish, extremely long and perfectly balanced.

 Chateau Lynch Bages 2019 呈現非常深,飽和的紫色。香氣濃郁而深沉,黑醋栗和甜黑莓水果的香氣,混合著甘草、薄荷、雪茄茄衣和肥沃的土壤。酒體飽滿、豐富而濃縮,口感濃郁,層次分明,單寧緊緻而柔軟,賦予葡萄酒層次感和莊重感。與水果的高密度相匹配,增加了深度。一層又一層的水果和香料營造出壯觀、宏偉的餘味,極其悠長且平衡完美。

 Chateau Lynch Bages 2019 呈现非常深,饱和的紫色。香气浓郁而深沉,黑醋栗和甜黑莓水果的香气,混合着甘草、薄荷、雪茄茄衣和肥沃的土壤。酒体饱满、丰富而浓缩,口感浓郁,层次分明,单宁紧致而柔软,赋予葡萄酒层次感和庄重感。与水果的高密度相匹配,增加了深度。一层又一层的水果和香料营造出壮观、宏伟的余味,极其悠长且平衡完美

Nest Wine