Markus Molitor Brauneberger Klostergarten*** Pinot noir Qba Dry 馬庫斯梅麗特 - 布朗柏嘉修道院黑皮諾乾紅 2015

Markus Molitor Brauneberger Klostergarten*** Pinot noir Qba Dry 馬庫斯梅麗特 - 布朗柏嘉修道院黑皮諾乾紅 2015

  • Product Code: Product GER01.1.15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$750.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 95+ points

 Region : Germany

 Description/Tasting Notes :

2015 Pinot Noir Brauneberger Klostergarten *Deep, highly mature and concentrated, yet pleasantly fresh, refined and elegant, with a slightly toasted smoky aroma. On the palate, the wine is full-bodied, silky and fine, a perfectly balanced Pinot Noir that is delightful. Fine tannins intertwine the terroir's crystalline salinity and mineral tension. The finish is long, mature and complex, full of energy and ageing potential.


2015 年的黑皮諾 Brauneberger Klostergarten * 深沉、高度成熟且集中,但清新宜人,精緻優雅,略帶烘烤的煙熏香氣。 口感上,酒體飽滿、質地柔滑、細緻、是完美平衡的黑比諾,令人愉悅。細膩的單寧,把風土的結晶鹽度和礦物質張力交織在一起。 餘韻悠長、成熟而復雜,充滿活力和陳年潛力。


2015 年的黑皮诺 Brauneberger Klostergarten * 深沉、高度成熟且集中,但清新宜人,精致优雅,略带烘烤的烟熏香气。口感上,酒体饱满、质地柔滑、细致、是完美平衡的黑比诺,令人愉悦。细腻的单宁,把风土的结晶盐度和矿物质张力交织在一起。余韵悠长、成熟而复杂,充满活力和陈年潜力

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