Opus One 作品一號 2013

Opus One 作品一號 2013

  • Product Code: USA01.1.13
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$3,100.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 97+ points

WS (Wine Spectator) : 92 points

JS (James Suckling) : 100 points

 Region : U.S.A Napa Valley

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Possibly the greatest work of all time (Opus One). Crushed blackcurrants, blueberries and flowers, with a hint of sweet tobacco, rose notes continue to elevate the aroma, exuding a rich and elegant aroma. Full-bodied, finely balanced with fine tannins and vibrant acidity. The finish carries notes of black fruit and citrus fruits. A little complicated but approachable and enjoyable.

 可能是有史以來最偉大的作品(Opus One)。 碎黑醋栗、藍莓和鮮花,帶有淡淡的甜煙草味, 玫瑰味繼續把香氣升華,散發著豐富和優雅的香氣。 酒體飽滿,細緻的單寧和充滿活力的酸度達致完美平衡。 餘韻帶着黑色水果和柑橘類水果的味道。 雖有點複雜但又平易近人,令人愉快。

 可能是有史以来最伟大的作品(Opus One)。碎黑醋栗、蓝莓和鲜花,带有淡淡的甜烟草味, 玫瑰味继续把香气升华,散发着丰富和优雅的香气。酒体饱满,细致的单宁和充满活力的酸度达致完美平衡。余韵带着黑色水果和柑橘类水果的味道。虽有点复杂但又平易近人,令人愉快

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