Gran Moraine Yamhill Carlton Pinot Noir 摩利亞 - 陽希爾卡頓黑皮諾 2018

Gran Moraine Yamhill Carlton Pinot Noir 摩利亞 - 陽希爾卡頓黑皮諾 2018

  • Product Code: USA05.1.18
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$390.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 92 points

WS (Wine Spectator) : 93 points

 Region : U.S.A Napa Valley

 Description/Tasting Notes :

The 2018 Pinot Noir Yam Hill Carlton is medium ruby in color with intense aromas of cherry and blood orange, with hints of forest and exotic spices. Medium-bodied, silky on the palate, with intense floral and fruity flavours and a long, vibrant finish.

 2018 年的黑皮諾亞姆希爾卡爾頓酒呈中度紅寶石色,散發著櫻桃和血橙的濃郁香氣,帶有森林和異國香料的氣息。 酒體適中,口感絲滑,帶有濃郁的花香水果味,餘味悠長、今人感到活力。

 2018 年的黑皮诺亚姆希尔卡尔顿酒呈中度红宝石色,散发着樱桃和血橙的浓郁香气,带有森林和异国香料的气息。酒体适中,口感丝滑,带有浓郁的花香水果味,余味悠长、今人感到活力

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