Two Hands Cabernet Sauvignon Aphrodite Barossa 雙手酒莊 - 美麗女神赤霞珠 2010
- Product Code: Product AUS002.1.10
- Availability: In Stock
WA (Robert
Parker's Wine Advocate) : 93+ points
WS (Wine Spectator) : 93 points
Region : Australia Barossa Valley
Description/Tasting Notes :
From hand-picked,
peeled and then macerated for 15 days, aged for 24 hours in wooden barrels for
malolactic fermentation. Aged for up to 20 months in 60% new French oak barrels to achieve the perfect balance. Dark reddish-black wine color with reddish edges. Firm and rich with aromas of black currant, chocolate, dried vanilla and spice. Moderate red fruit, oak and soft tannins.
從手工挑選,剝皮後浸漬15天,陳化24小時後進入木桶進行蘋果酸乳酸發酵。 在 60% 的新法國橡木桶中陳釀長達 20 個月,以達到完美的平衡。 深紅黑的酒色,邊緣有些微紅。緊實,富含黑醋栗、巧克力、乾香草和香料的香氣。 適度的紅色水果、橡木和柔和的單寧口感。
从手工挑选,剥皮后浸渍15天,陈化24小时后进入木桶进行苹果酸乳酸发酵。在 60% 的新法国橡木桶中陈酿长达 20 个月,以达到完美的平衡。深红黑的酒色,边缘有些微红。紧实,富含黑醋栗、巧克力、干香草和香料的香气。适度的红色水果、橡木和柔和的单宁口感。