Gabriel Meffre Laurus Cote Rotie Rouge 加布里 - 月桂花羅迪坡乾紅 2016

Gabriel Meffre Laurus Cote Rotie Rouge 加布里 - 月桂花羅迪坡乾紅 2016

  • Product Code: Product RH003.1.16
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$420.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 92 points

 Region : Rhone Cote Rotie

 Description/Tasting Notes :

The 2016 Cote Rotie Laurus didn't show a strong terroir, but the rest was satisfactory. Like a sexy oak wine with notes of cedar, vanilla and espresso. Medium to full-bodied with a smooth mouthfeel and a hint of meat in the finish.

 2016 年的 Cote Rotie Laurus 雖然沒有對風土帶出強烈的表現,但其餘方面表現均令人滿意。像是一款性感的橡木酒,帶有雪松、香草和濃縮咖啡的味道。 中等到濃郁的酒體,口感柔滑,餘味中帶有一點點肉味。

 2016 年的 Cote Rotie Laurus 虽然没有对风土带出强烈的表现,但其余方面表现均令人满意。像是一款性感的橡木酒,带有雪松、香草和浓缩咖啡的味道。中等到浓郁的酒体,口感柔滑,余味中带有一点点肉味

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