Chateau Margaux 瑪歌 2019

Chateau Margaux 瑪歌 2019

  • Product Code: Product PC04.1.19
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$6,600.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 97~100 points

JS (James Suckling) : 100 points 

Region : Margaux

 Description/Tasting Notes :

 Margaux 2019, a deep garnet red wine color that begins with strong notes of crushed blackberries, warm blackcurrants and candied plums before spreading into a series of floral, exotic spice and earthy notes: iris, red rose, star anise , black currant, tilled soil, moss-covered bark and black truffles. Medium-bodied and energetic, with plenty of mineral sparks, great freshness and at the same time extremely ripe, fine tannins, supporting fine, aromatic layers, a long finish and excellent balance. The juxtaposition of acidity and richness in this Chateau Margaux is simply phenomenal!

 Margaux 2019, 深石榴紅色的酒色,從壓碎的黑莓,溫暖的黑醋栗和李子蜜餞的強烈氣味開始,然後散佈成一系列花香,異國情調的香料和泥土氣味:鳶尾花,紅玫瑰,八角茴香,黑醋栗,耕作的土壤 ,苔蘚覆蓋的樹皮和黑松露。 酒體適中,充滿活力,散發出大量的礦物火花,極具新鮮感和同時極其成熟、細膩的單寧,支撐著細膩、芬芳的層次,餘味悠長,平衡感極佳。 這個瑪歌酒莊的酸度和豐富度的並置簡直是非凡的!

 Margaux 2019, 深石榴红色的酒色,从压碎的黑莓,温暖的黑醋栗和李子蜜饯的强烈气味开始,然后散布成一系列花香,异国情调的香料和泥土气味:鸢尾花,红玫瑰,八角茴香,黑醋栗,耕作的土壤 ,苔藓覆盖的树皮和黑松露。酒体适中,充满活力,散发出大量的矿物火花,极具新鲜感和同时极其成熟、细腻的单宁,支撑着细腻、芬芳的层次,余味悠长,平衡感极佳。这个玛歌酒庄的酸度和丰富度的并置简直是非凡的

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