Chateau Ausone 奧松2017

Chateau Ausone 奧松2017

  • Product Code: Product SEA01.1.17
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$4,680.00

WA (Robert Parker's Wine Advocate) : 98 points

JS (James Suckling) : 97 points

 Region : Saint Emillion

 Description/Tasting Notes :

Chateau  Ausone 2017 presents a very dark colour, somewhere between garnet and purple. Aromas of roasted red and black plums, wild blueberries and boysenberries. Add violets, espresso, licorice and melted chocolate along with notes of iron ore and arable land. Medium-bodied, full-bodied and fine-grained, with a grainy tannin structure, accompanied by an incredible fruity freshness. Lines the inside of the cheek and then reveals a long aftertaste full of ripe fruit, as well as a hint of sap and a hint of chalk.

 Chateau  Ausone 2017 呈現出一種非常深的顏色,介於石榴石和紫色之間。散發出烤紅李子和黑李子、野生藍莓和波森莓的香氣。再加上紫羅蘭、濃縮咖啡、甘草和融化的巧克力以及鐵礦石和耕地的味道。酒體適中,口感濃郁、細膩,顆粒狀的單寧結構,伴隨著令人難以置信的果味清新。襯在臉頰內側,然後展現出悠長的餘味,充滿成熟的水果,以及淡淡的樹液和淡淡的粉筆味。

 Chateau  Ausone 2017 呈现出一种非常深的颜色,介于石榴石和紫色之间。散发出烤红李子和黑李子、野生蓝莓和波森莓的香气。再加上紫罗兰、浓缩咖啡、甘草和融化的巧克力以及铁矿石和耕地的味道。酒体适中,口感浓郁、细腻,颗粒状的单宁结构,伴随着令人难以置信的果味清新。衬在脸颊内侧,然后展现出悠长的余味,充满成熟的水果,以及淡淡的树液和淡淡的粉笔味

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